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North Shore Temple Emanuel

a Progressive Jewish Congregation

NSTE Yahrzeit Display

In Jewish tradition, we have many ways of honouring our loved ones who have predeceased us. Beyond ensuring a Jewish funeral, we are encouraged to recite kaddish, visit the gravesite to recite prayers and place a stone, light a candle, and give tzedakah in honour of the departed soul.

North Shore Temple Emanuel has a yahrzeit display upon which members honour their departed loved ones. 

During Yizkor on Yom Kippur (and for other festivals in which yizkor is observed), all those named on the display will be honoured with a semi-precious stone placed beside their names.

A special ceremony was held on 7 March 2020, to rededicate the yahrzeit display (newly refurbished) at which the names will be read out and kaddish will be recited.

Please note, all stones from the preceding week will be removed on Friday afternoon each week.

You can view the Yahrzeit Board directory kept in the folder adjacent to the board.

If you would like to arrange to have a loved one’s name included on the display please contact the NSTE office on 9419 7011.

Sun, 9 February 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785