Rabbi Richard Lampert, Rabbi Emeritus
Rabbi Richard Lampert, Rabbi Emeritus
After 26 years as NSTE's Senior Rabbi, Rabbi Lampert retired and took up the position of Emeritus Rabbi on 31 December 2003.
Rabbi Lampert was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He spent five years in a printing company before studying at the University of Witwatersrand and the Leo Baeck Rabbinical College in London.
Prior to taking up the position in our congregation, Rabbi Lampert was the Rabbi of Temple Emanuel, Johannesburg for 12 years. Rabbi Lampert arrived in Australia in 1977 with his wife, Diane, their two daughters, Sharon and Yael, and his mother-in-law, Hilda Wohlgemuth (z"l) who has since sadly passed away.
Under his leadership, the congregation grew from 270 families to over 700 families. Rabbi Lampert is proud that the congregation is affiliated with the largest organisation of Jews in the world, the World Union for Progressive Judaism, which represents over two million Jews world-wide.
Rabbi Lampert and Diane are the proud grandparents of Zac, Jonah, Zoe and Joshua.
Sun, 9 February 2025
11 Sh'vat 5785
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North Shore Temple Emanuel
28 Chatswood Avenue
Chatswood NSW 2067
ABN 69 000 326 456
Phone: (02) 9419 7011
Email: info@nste.org.au
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our synagogue stands, the land of the Gamaragal people. Many of us and our forebears have come from other lands and found our spirit of kinship with Indigenous Australians whose connection with this land preceded ours, and we recognise that connection as sacred and enduring. May we walk together toward a future of justice and healing.
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