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North Shore Temple Emanuel

a Progressive Jewish Congregation

Mum's Retreat

Three years ago, NSTE launched a new initiative: the first ever “Mums’ Retreat”—a one day or overnight retreat for mums of kids under 13 years old.  The retreat, held each year since, in a beautiful setting at Wisemans Ferry, features Jewish parenting workshops and deep relaxation sessions led by Rabbi Nicole and other professional practitioners.  Sessions have included:

  • Achieving Work-life or Family-life Balance
  • Strengths Spotting - Playing to Your Strengths
  • An innovative and restorative Yoga Service
  • Adult Conversations About Children’s Spiritual Questions
  • The Spirituality of Parenting
  • Sacred Separations, Sacred Boundaries
  • Creating a Healthy Relationship to Food
  • A beautiful Havdalah ceremony and closing ritual
  • Sound Healing with “Singing Bowls”
  • “Angels” Meditation/Deep Relaxation based on the Bedtime Shema

During the retreat, participants also enjoy free time to socialise with other mums (without interruption!), go for a walk by the riverside, browse through our library of parenting books, chat with Rabbi Nicole, have a massage, or just enjoy some rare quiet time.  All meals are tended to.  Nurture Yourself - For a Change.  

Contact Rabbi Nicole to learn more.

Sat, 8 February 2025 10 Sh'vat 5785